Our Rules
Always be polite and kind to the escort.
To begin with please have to look over our gallery and see who you like. If you sms, please know what you want before. This is the very best way to book an escort girl. If you don't know what you're after when you sms we can of course help you. If you can have at least three choices before you sms then we should be really well equipped to give you an idea of who you can have. please make sure you are freshly showered, well-groomed, smell nice, and have minty-fresh breath. Please be respectful and always be a gentleman. Your kindness, generosity, and chivalry will be appreciated and rewarded. please make sure you are freshly showered, well-groomed, smell nice, and have minty-fresh breath. Please be respectful and always be a gentleman. Your kindness, generosity, and chivalry will be appreciated and rewarded.